Spring Course 30th April to 28th May 2014
Who is my Muslim neighbour?
Mosques and Muslims are very much a part of the Bedford “scene”. How many Christians and Churches feel confident about meeting, working with or sharing faith with Muslims? Do we need to know something about Islam before we can make even the first approach? Do all Muslims believe the same things? How do they want to see British Society develop in the future? “Who is my Muslim neighbour?” was designed to ask these questions, and to help begin to find some of the answers.
Who is my Muslim neighbour?
Mosques and Muslims are very much a part of the Bedford “scene”. How many Christians and Churches feel confident about meeting, working with or sharing faith with Muslims? Do we need to know something about Islam before we can make even the first approach? Do all Muslims believe the same things? How do they want to see British Society develop in the future? “Who is my Muslim neighbour?” was designed to ask these questions, and to help begin to find some of the answers.
Meeting with Jeffrey John, Saturday 22nd February 2014
There was a meeting of BELIEF held on Sat 22 Feb at St Andrew’s Church Centre with the Very Rev Jeffrey John, Dean of St Alban’s, as the guest speaker. Jeffrey had been with us a number of times before speaking on the Gospels, St Paul, Miracles and Salvation, and this time his subject was Means of Grace. As usual he attracted a good crowd of over 90 people from many denominations who were thoroughly absorbed for over two hours, with a 20 min break, as he spoke about the sacraments.
Initially he concentrated on two sacraments, baptism and the Eucharist, which most denominations accept as the main sacraments, and later moved on to five other sacraments as recognised by Orthodox, RC, High Anglicans and some others ie confirmation, matrimony, sacrament of reconciliation, holy orders, and anointing the sick. He spoke about the biblical background and the meaning of the sacraments to us today. He also mentioned those Christians who do not have these sacraments as part of their tradition, in particular the Salvation Army and the Society of Friends.
After his talks there was time for some questions and discussion.
Received in Good Faith
October 2014
This public theology course set out to give a defence of Christianity against perceived objections from science, morality and secularism.
Professional lecturers brought theological insights and sound leaning to bear in a course which achieved substantial answers to big questions.
The course was open to all who have questions about Christian faith in the modern world.
October 2014
This public theology course set out to give a defence of Christianity against perceived objections from science, morality and secularism.
Professional lecturers brought theological insights and sound leaning to bear in a course which achieved substantial answers to big questions.
- Why is faith in God not just a delusion?
- What truth is there beyond science?
- Why is the Bible not “just another book”?
- How is God credible amid suffering and evil?
- What is the role for the sacred in the world today?
The course was open to all who have questions about Christian faith in the modern world.
Meeting with Dr Rowan Williams, Saturday 27th September 2014
A s part of our series of Saturday morning lectures, we were fortunate that on Saturday, 27th September, 2014, Archbishop Rowan Williams came to BELIEF and spoke about "Why is Jesus Different?" The event took place at Priory Methodist Church Newnham Avenue Bedford MK41 9QJ.
A s part of our series of Saturday morning lectures, we were fortunate that on Saturday, 27th September, 2014, Archbishop Rowan Williams came to BELIEF and spoke about "Why is Jesus Different?" The event took place at Priory Methodist Church Newnham Avenue Bedford MK41 9QJ.